Try these easy Homemade Mosquito repellents with natural insecticide plants or with our Top 4 Essential oil blends to naturally get rid of mosquitoes
Avoid the toxic side-effects of chemical sprays.
Use natural ways to keep mosquitoes away with plants/essences of Citronella, Peppermint, Lemon Eucalyptus, Clove, Lemongrass , Neem, Thyme, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Eucalyptus and Tea tree...
You would agree that 2020 was the year of DIY’s…
Cooking, Cleaning, Laundry, Pest control , Covid-19 taught us 'sweet' self-sufficiency!
One favourite DIY, that is an obsessive habit with many, is sanitization and pest control of the house. Absence of society services, thanks to frequent lockdowns necessitates that home keepers take charge, and ward off those annoying pestilent attacks.
We all have been guilty of this... a generous dash of toxic mosquito repelling chemical sprays here and there, knowing fully well, that it just isn't right...
On digging deeper, we found these facts:
Why does an insect repellent smell strong, how does it work?
A repellent is mostly an odor that prevents arthropods from frequenting a spot.
For example, a female mosquito’s chemoreceptor (in the antennae), can recognize the odor present in carbon dioxide and lactic acid of sweat. The odor binds itself to the odorant receptors of this mosquito, activating its sensory neuron, thereby enabling it to recognize the scent.
Repellents work by blocking this sense of smell, making it harder for these arthropods to find their way around.
Chemical repellents and their undesirable side-effects

Though remarkably effective, their repeated usage can develop resistance in the pesky bugs while leading to neurotoxicity in human skin.
Large, repetitive doses of these chemicals can enter our system via inhalation and skin absorption through commonly used:
Cyfluthrin, common in household pesticides.
DEET (N, N- Diethyl-meta-toluamide), common shield against biting insects
Permethrin, common in bug sprays and crop pesticides
Pyrethroids, a class with over 1000 insecticides

Some of their shocking side effects (with heavy, long-term usage) are seizures, shortness of breath, nausea, interference in liver functioning, physiological and behavioral problems, learning and memory problems and lack of coordination.
What's the alternative? Plant-based natural remedies?
Yes! Our ancestors used plant-based fumigants/incenses for centuries to ward off pests.
They made topical use too, of specific plant extracts mixed with vegetable or seed oils.
Aromatherapy is an art packed with wisdom from our ancients. To know how these plant based therapies can bring in wellness into our lives read about the wonders of aromatherapy and essential oils
How do plant based natural bug repellents work?
1. A mixture of sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes present in the molecules and compounds of specific plants grant them this repelling power.
2. Constituents such as pinene, cineole, eugenol, limonene, terpinolene, citronellol, citronellal, camphor, and thymol in the volatile aromatic compounds of these plant parts are responsible for this effect.

Top Natural Insecticide plants, their Essential Oils:
Citronella Essential Oil, renowned as a repellent with active compounds like camphor, eucalyptol, eugenol, linalool, citronellal, and citral.
Peppermint Essential Oil, with its fresh sharp cooling menthol odor and active compounds like menthone. p-menthane-3.
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (hydro-distilled) with 85 percent citronellal, also popular in the cleaning and cosmetics industries.
Others such as Clove essential oil (mixed with geranium oil or thyme oil); Neem Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Essential oil, Lemongrass Essential oil, and Thyme Essential Oil are also very effective.
These potent plant essences are a luxury packed with therapeutic benefits but only when used right. Learn how to use and enjoy essential oils the right way also the different tools that you can use to make these delicious fragrances a part of your daily life

Top Homemade Mosquito Repellent recipes with Essential oils:
Diffusion Recipe :
Use a blend of 40% Lemongrass, 30% Clove, and 30% Cinnamon essential oils for repellent vapors.
Topical use Recipes: (choose any)
Blend 1:
4 drops Lemongrass, 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Cinnamon essential oils blended with 60ml coconut oil
Blend 2:
4 drops Turmeric, 3 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Citronella essential oils blended with 60 ml coconut oil
Blend 3:
3 drops Lemongrass, 4 drops Peppermint, 4 drops Citronella essential oils blended with 60 ml coconut oil
Blend 4:
4 drops Lemongrass, 2 drops Thyme, 4 drops Tea tree blended with 60ml coconut oil.
Blend the solution, preserve it in an air-tight bottle, and store it in a cool place for topical use.
For top Essential oil recipes for Cough/ Cold, Fresh Air and Anxiety read top recipes in Covid 19 times
For Top Essential oils recipes with a blend of Yin and Yang attributes ( also prevalent in Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda) read the Yin and Yang of Essential oils

Caution : Remember the following with home made essential oils repellents....
They are best used as sprays (diluted with distilled water and soluble) OR diffused through a candle or an aroma diffuser.
Topical application if necessary, must be highly diluted avoiding the eyes and irritated broken skin.
3. Essential Oils tend to dissipate quickly due to their high volatility. Cream/Oil-based formulations can increase the longevity of their effect. Best to reapply frequently.
4. Always dilute with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil if using topically. (0.25% to 0.5% dilution recommended i.e for 50 ml carrier oil around 0.25 ml essential oil)
5. Avoid using around small children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
6. Do a patch test before using it to find out whether you are allergic to it.
7. Certain essential oils like Bergamot and Lemon are phototoxic. Never use it topically and step out in the sun.
8. Large doses of continued usage can cause irritation and toxicity. Change the blends and formulations frequently, giving the routine a breather once in a while.
Use these parallel measures to keep mosquitoes away:

Plant these mosquito-repelling plants in your kitchen or balcony garden.
Keep windows shut at dusk/ dawn when mosquitoes attack.
Use netting for baby cots and strollers, also while camping.
Wear long sleeves, pants, socks when in mosquito prone area.
Keep the home, kitchen, balcony, and porch clean.
Avoid stagnant water spots that are insect breeding grounds.
Cover everything, from the food in the kitchen to the garbage in the bins.
Are you living in or travelling to a heavily mosquito/bug-infested areas? It may be best to ditch the milder plant variations and opt for the chemical variants.
Designed by Akash Salian.